Fusion 360

By Merit Ashraf Categories: UCS
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Fusion 360 is a powerful 3D computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), and computer-aided engineering (CAE) software developed by Autodesk. It is widely used by designers, engineers, and architects to create, simulate, and analyze 3D models and prototypes.

Here are some key points about Fusion 360:

Design and Modeling: Fusion 360 offers a robust set of tools for creating 3D models. Users can sketch 2D shapes and then use various commands to transform those sketches into 3D models. It supports both solid and surface modeling techniques.

Parametric Modeling: Fusion 360 is based on a parametric modeling approach, which means that the dimensions and relationships between features in a model are defined by parameters. This allows for easy modification and updating of the design.

Cloud-Based Collaboration: One of the significant advantages of Fusion 360 is that it operates on the cloud, which enables seamless collaboration between team members. Multiple users can work on the same design simultaneously and access it from different devices.

Version Control: The software includes version management, which keeps track of design changes and allows users to roll back to previous versions if needed.

Simulation and Analysis: Fusion 360 provides simulation capabilities that allow users to test and analyze the behavior of their designs under various conditions. This includes stress analysis, thermal analysis, and modal analysis, among others.

CAM and CNC Machining: Fusion 360 also incorporates computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) tools, which enable users to generate toolpaths for CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining. This allows for direct integration of the design and manufacturing processes.

Additive Manufacturing Support: Fusion 360 supports additive manufacturing processes, allowing users to prepare models for 3D printing with features like slicer integration and material optimization.

Electronics Design: The software has features that support electronics design and collaboration between mechanical and electrical engineers.

Community and Learning Resources: Fusion 360 has a large and active user community, which provides access to a wealth of tutorials, forums, and learning resources to help users improve their skills and troubleshoot issues.

Subscription Model: Fusion 360 is available on a subscription basis, offering different pricing tiers depending on the user’s needs, from individual hobbyists and startups to larger enterprises.

Fusion 360’s versatility and cloud-based approach have made it a popular choice among designers and engineers for its collaborative features, ease of use, and continuous updates and improvements.

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What Will You Learn?

  • Sketch Environment: Fusion 360 provides a dedicated "Sketch" environment where users can create 2D sketches. To access this environment, click on the "Create Sketch" icon in the toolbar or select "Sketch" from the dropdown menu.
  • Work Plane Selection: Before starting a sketch, users need to select a work plane or face on which the sketch will be drawn. Fusion 360 offers various methods to define a work plane, such as selecting a planar face or specifying coordinates.
  • Sketching Tools: Once in the sketch environment, users have access to a range of sketching tools, including lines, arcs, circles, rectangles, and polygons. These tools allow for precise and intuitive sketch creation.
  • Constraints and Dimensions: Fusion 360 supports geometric constraints and dimensions to control the size and position of sketch elements. Constraints, like vertical, horizontal, and coincident, maintain relationships between sketch elements, while dimensions define specific distances and sizes.
  • Parametric Sketching: Fusion 360 follows a parametric modeling approach, allowing sketches to be fully associative with 3D features. Any changes made to a sketch or dimension update the 3D model accordingly, maintaining design intent.
  • Modify and Edit Sketches: After creating a sketch, users can easily modify and edit it. Fusion 360 offers tools to add, delete, or edit sketch entities, as well as adjust constraints and dimensions.
  • Project and Split Sketch Geometry: Fusion 360 allows users to project existing 3D geometry onto the sketch plane or split sketches to separate portions for better organization and design clarity.
  • Extrude and Revolve: Once a sketch is complete, it can be used as a base to create 3D features. Two common operations are extruding and revolving the sketch to generate 3D solids.
  • Sketch Patterns: Fusion 360 provides tools to create various patterns based on the sketch elements, such as linear patterns, circular patterns, and mirror patterns.
  • Sketching Best Practices: To ensure efficient and accurate sketch creation, users should follow best practices like keeping sketches simple, using construction geometry, and avoiding over-constraining.
  • Access the Design Workspace: Open your Fusion 360 project and access the "Design" workspace, where you can view and edit your 3D model.
  • Select the Component: In the "Design" workspace, locate the component you want to modify. You can do this by selecting the component directly in the design canvas, the browser tree, or by using the "Select" command.
  • Edit Mode: Once you've selected the component, Fusion 360 will activate the "Edit" mode for that specific component. In this mode, you can make changes to the selected component without affecting other parts of your design.
  • Modify the Component: Use the available tools and commands in the toolbar and "Modify" menu to make the desired changes to the component. The specific modification options will depend on the complexity of the component and your design intent.
  • If you want to resize the component, use the "Scale" or "Move" command to adjust its dimensions or position.
  • To edit specific features of the component, use the "Edit Form" or "Edit Feature" commands, which allow you to modify individual surfaces or solid bodies.
  • If you need to add or remove material from the component, consider using "Extrude," "Cut," or "Join" operations to create new features or subtract material.
  • Confirm the Modifications: Once you've made the desired changes, review the modifications in the 3D workspace to ensure they meet your design requirements and intent.
  • Exit Edit Mode: After you are satisfied with the modifications, exit the "Edit" mode to return to the regular design workspace.
  • Update the Design: If your modifications are parametric and affect other parts of the design, Fusion 360 will automatically update the model to reflect the changes you made to the component.
  • Save the Design: If you are working on a project, make sure to save your design to preserve the modifications you've made.

Course Content


  • Download fusion and Introdaction

Create 2D sketch
Creating sketches is a fundamental step in the design process using Fusion 360, a 3D computer-aided design (CAD) software. Sketches serve as the foundation for 3D models and allow designers to define the shape and geometry of objects

Modifay 2D Sketch
After creating a sketch, users can easily modify and edit it. Fusion 360 offers tools to add, delete, or edit sketch entities, as well as adjust constraints and dimensions.

Pattern &Text
Fusion 360 provides tools to create various patterns based on the sketch elements, such as linear patterns, circular patterns, and mirror patterns.

Create in solid list
Once a sketch is complete, it can be used as a base to create 3D features. Two common operations are extruding and revolving the sketch to generate 3D solids.

Modefiy 3D componant
In Fusion 360, modifying a 3D component typically involves making changes to the shape, size, or position of the component in your design

make componant without a skitch
n Fusion 360, you can create a 3D component without using a sketch by directly employing various 3D modeling tools

Insert Image
in September 2021, Fusion 360 does not have a direct built-in feature to insert images directly into the 3D modeling environment. However, you can use images as references by importing them into the canvas and then designing around or based on them

Pattern and mirror in 3D
fusion 360 provides tools to create various patterns based on the body elements, such as linear patterns, circular patterns, and mirror patterns.

Apperance and Assemply
f you are working on an assembly, you can create multiple components and use the "Assemble" tools to position and join them together.

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